Monday, December 23, 2019

Day Care Essay example - 4502 Words

A STUDY OF CURRENT PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH INADEQUATE CHILDCARE FOR PARENTS WHO WORK NONTRADITIONAL HOURS PROPOSAL FOR MSA 685 PROJECT Submitted by Larone R. Daniels December 06, 2004 Instructor Dr. Diana Otto ABSTRACT The number of parents entering the workforce continues to grow. However, the amount of available, affordable, and quality childcare facilities in the United States remains inadequate. Employees using inadequate childcare are more likely to be late for work, absent, or distracted on the job. High rates of turnover, absenteeism, and low productivity cost employers money. This researcher proposes to formulate a study designed to analyze the problems associated with inadequate childcare and parents who†¦show more content†¦When childcare problems are chronic, parents don’t just miss work; they may leave their jobs altogether. Finding childcare is especially difficult for employees who work evening or weekend hours or for those who have rotating shifts. More and more U.S. workers find themselves working nontraditional hours as the trend toward a global, service-based economy intensifies. Most child care providers offer day care during the traditional working hours of nine to five. Now, only 1 out of 3 mothers stays at home and provides full-time care for her children. About half of all preschoolers spend at least part of the day in some type of facility outside of the home (DOL, 1998). Dual career families are now the most predominant types of family in the American workforce. Because so many parents face the same problems, childcare is no longer a strictly private matter; it is an urgent public concern. Parents, therefore, have a special role to play in ensuring that early care and education become a high priority on the national agenda. The Statement of the Problem This researcher proposes to examine and evaluate current problems associated with inadequate childcare for parents who workShow MoreRelatedDay Care Essay2550 Words   |  11 Pageswhile they are away at work. â€Å"These days couples face complex negotiations over work, family, child care, and housekeeping. It becomes evident that where traditional marriage through the centuries has been a partnership based on mutual dependency, modern marriage demands greater self-sufficiency† (Hekker). Day care becomes a necessity for many families, and the main concern for most parents is if the day care will be a positive experience for their children. Day care can be a positive option for parentsRead MoreUnited Day Care Essay1188 Words   |  5 PagesIn a regular day to day basis businesses must face a great deal of external and internal forces. Businesses have many different aspects of external and internal forces they must face in order to be successful. 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